
2023年11月14日—IsDNSJumperforWindows10?Yes.ItcanrunonaPCwithWindows11orWindows10.PreviousversionsoftheOSshouldn'tbeaproblemwith ...,2020年8月6日—DNSServer設定切換工具-DnsJumper,內建數十組DNSServer可供切換使用,透過「最快DNS」功能可以即時測試找到最快的DNSServer,並且立即套用,也 ...,2023年11月10日—DownloadDNSJumperforWindowsPCfromFileHorse.100%SafeandSecure...WindowsXP/Vista/Windows7/Windows8/...

DNS Jumper

2023年11月14日 — Is DNS Jumper for Windows 10? Yes. It can run on a PC with Windows 11 or Windows 10. Previous versions of the OS shouldn't be a problem with ...

DNS Jumper 2.2 免安裝中文版

2020年8月6日 — DNS Server設定切換工具- Dns Jumper,內建數十組DNS Server可供切換使用,透過「最快DNS」功能可以即時測試找到最快的DNS Server,並且立即套用,也 ...

DNS Jumper Download (2024 Latest)

2023年11月10日 — Download DNS Jumper for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ... Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 / Windows 11.

DNS Jumper for Windows

With DNS Jumper you can switch between multiple DNS addresses quickly and easily without having knowledge of connection settings in Windows. Advertisement.

Dns Jumper v2.3

2020年3月17日 — Hi, DNS Jumper changes the DNS ips used by the Windows system. It applies to all programs, including browsers, that use the DNS set by the ...

DNS Jumper针对于Windows

使用DNS Jumper,无需懂得Windows网络设置,即可轻松、迅速的在多个NDS服务器地址转换。 广告. Jumper DNS无需安装,操作界面也十分简单,仅仅包含一个预定义的DNS地址列表 ...

Download Dns Jumper v2.3

DnsJumper hels you to Change your dns setting easily , In some cases, you can increase the browsing speed or improve your security by replacing the DNS ...

Download For Windows

DNS Jumper Windows is a free and portable software tool used to quickly and easily change your Domain Name System (DNS) server settings.

下载Windows 版

DNS Jumper 2.3 免费下载适用于Windows 11、10、8 和7 [最新版本]. 下载 · DNS Jumper Windows 是一款免费的便携式软件工具,用于快速轻松地更改您的域名系统( DNS) ...